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Street Captains

Our street captains are available to assist their neighbors with Highland Village and community information. They personally introduce themselves and welcome them to the neighborhood by providing them the Highland Village Welcome Packet. They assist with passing out flyers and announcements that benefit everyone in our development. Their efforts are a tremendous help to the Hospitality Committee Director and the Highland Village Newsletter Editor when new neighbor and new baby information is requested. We are grateful of their contribution and thank them for volunteering their services to make our neighborhood a great place to live.

Susan DennisVillage Drive: 101 - 109
VacantVillage Drive: 111 - 119, 121, and 123
Kara ChallingsworthVillage Drive: 120, 122 - 130, and 135
Beth LauerVillage Drive: 137 to 150 and 134
Jean TrippVillage Drive: 153 - 166
Kim MillerVillage Drive: 167 - 178
Lori TominelloVillage Drive: 180 - 189
VacantVillage Drive: 190 - 203
Karri RickardVillage Court: 301 - 315
Kristen FisherCambria Court: 401 - 408
Meredith DaileyRidge Court: 500 - 515
Anne SemmlerHighland Court: 601 - 610
©2008 www.hvoa.org