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Feedback Form

This form is to be used to submit information to the Highland Village Owner's Association (HVOA) Board of Directors as well as to the quarterly neighborhood newsletter. The HVOA Board of Directors can only act as a governed body of people. Individual board members cannot make decisions and/or act independently from the Board. Therefore, we are asking all the members of HVOA to submit in writing any information you would like to bring to the table. We welcome questions, comments and suggestions. We will address as a quorum all of your communications that have been directed to the Board. Please do not contact Board Members in person or by phone because they are not authorized to act independently. If you wish to use this form to report a violation to our protective covenants, please complete this form, sign it and mail it to the P.O. box below. Only forms that are signed will be addressed by the Board.

This Feedback Form can also be used to submit any information you would like in the newsletter. Please write a detailed explanation of what you would like the Board to review or what you would like to be published in the newsletter in the comments section below. Please include your name, street address and email address so we can respond promptly. Anonymous letters will not be considered. If you want to print this form and mail it, you can send it to the following addresses:
Highland Village Owner's Association
P.O. Box 2251
Cranberry Twp., Pa 16066
Contact Information


©2008 www.hvoa.org