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Ladies Bunco

This is a very simple and fun game that anyone can play. We meet monthly at a different home each month starting in September and ending in May. The only skill required in this light-hearted, friendly game is rolling the dice. It's fun to ring the bell each time a "Bunco" is rolled or when a player reaches "21."

Interested in Playing Bunco? Try Being a Sub!

The Highland Village ladies bunco group is always in need of substitute players. The group of 16 women plays once a month for eight months, September through November and January through May. The cost is $5 per person per event.

All Highland Village women are welcome to serve as substitutes. No experience necessary. Interested in being placed on the bunco sub list? Contact Erin Klinger at 724-591-8258 or at ceklinger2013@gmail.com.

Be sure to get a sub if you cannot make it. Remember that any neighbor may sub. Please call Erin or your hostess with any changes.

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